

Pozhet hopes you are all well and are looking after your health both mental and physical. It is a difficult time for everyone and it is important that we all make sure we don’t let COVID-19 (Coronavirus) completely take over our daily lives. We have […]

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Pozhet Newsletter Summer 2020

The Summer 2020 edition of the Pozhet Client Newsletter has now been posted and emailed to Pozhet clients. Topics include: Healthy eating tips on a budget. Latest resources – HIV: What you need to know and the new Pozhet website. Personal experiences of John – […]

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Women’s Videos

Women make up around 10% of people diagnosed with HIV in Australia. More than 46% of women have been diagnosed late and there have been missed opportunities to help them live a long and healthy life. Pozhet has partnered with Leichhardt Women’s Community Health Centre to develop a short film “Could It Be HIV”. The […]

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There’s something I have to tell you…

The Women Partners of Bisexual Men Service, funded by Sydney Local Health District, has released a new book of interviews with women who share their experiences of their relationship breaking down due to their male partner being same sex attracted.“There’s something I have to tell […]

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Could It be HIV

Supporting women through testing, treatment and living well Women make up around 10% of people diagnosed with HIV in Australia. More than 46% of women have been diagnosed late and there have been missed opportunities to help them live a long and healthy life. Women […]

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