Stigma Campaign
Pozhet and the Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service (MHAHS) have partnered to develop an animation about stigma. Both services work with people living with HIV from diverse communities, many of whom report feeling isolated and stigmatised within the general community. Pozhet consumers have consistently expressed frustration at the lack of awareness about HIV in the community, particularly regarding heterosexuals and people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds.
Overseas Students
Considering HIV notifications among heterosexuals continue to rise, Pozhet is delivering a series of Facebook campaigns aiming to increase awareness of HIV to heterosexuals at risk of HIV. We have targeted CALD communities and other heterosexual populations at risk of late diagnoses and partnered withthe Multicultural and Hepatitis Service (MHAHS) in the development and implementation of the campaigns. The most recent campaign partners with MHAHS and targets international students. The key message is that HIV testing is safe and private / Get tested today.
One In Ten
Travel and HIV
Considering HIV notifications among heterosexuals continue to rise, Pozhet is delivering a series of Facebook campaigns aiming to increase awareness of HIV to heterosexuals at risk of HIV. The first round is targeting travellers.
This video is aimed at people about to go on an overseas holiday and reminds them to take necessary time in their luggage.
Back From Overseas
Considering HIV notifications among heterosexuals continue to rise, Pozhet is delivering a series of Facebook campaigns aiming to increase awareness of HIV to heterosexuals at risk of HIV. The first round is targeting travellers.
This video is for people returning from an overseas holiday and reminds them to have an HIV test
Despite dramatic advances in HIV treatment and care, heterosexual people living with HIV remain a less visible and understood community compared to HIV positive gay and bisexual men.
The key messages on this short video are that people with HIV on treatment can lead long healthy lives, have children and have sex without passing on HIV. In Australia, one in five people diagnosed with HIV are heterosexual.
7 Good Reasons to Test
7 Good Reasons to Test for HIV Now has been developed in partnership between Positive Life, MHAHS (Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service) and Pozhet, the Heterosexual HIV Service, and it was funded by NSW Health.