Author Archives: Peter at pozhet

Treatment and Prevention

HIV treatment significantly reduces transmission – the science is in!

The Swiss Statement – In 2008 the Swiss Federal Commission for HIV released a controversial statement saying that individuals with an undetectable viral load and no STI (sexually transmitted infection) cannot transmit HIV during sex. Four of Switzerland’s top HIV experts had reached a consensus, resulting in a public statement that sent the global HIV sector into a spin. (more…)

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Tree of Hope Autumn Newsletter

Tree of Hope’s Autumn Newsletter A note from the coordinator A reflection on ToH’s Social Gatherings by Ashley Mason A reflection on Celebrating Strengths Workshop by Dianne Nyoni Invitation to Come and See the new premises at Lewisham Upcoming Events

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Treatment Uptake Study

ART Uptake StudyNot on treatment? We’d like to hear from you!

Do you have HIV but are currently not on treatment? Researchers from the National Centre in HIV Social Research and NAPWHA are interested in your story and hearing your views on HIV treatment. (more…)

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HIV Treatment Now

  Positive Life is facilitating a community consultation about the ‘HIV Treatment Now’ campaign . Findings will feed into their new campaign on HIV treatment. Positive Life would like to talk to HIV positive heterosexuals about their HIV treatment experiences. Participants will be remunerated for […]

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