Author Archives: Peter at pozhet


The ENUF campaign is an Australian campaign about stigma and discrimination. It aims to seek the experiences of both stigma and resilience in all of its many and various forms from people living with HIV. Sign a pledge or share your story.

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The serodiscordant couples study

You Me and HIV the serodiscordant couples study

Pozhet is excited to be involved in a new study by the National Centre in HIV Social Research.

Here’s your chance to tell your story! Be part of the first major study focused on the experiences of both gay and heterosexual couples with mixed HIV status (serodiscordance, pos/neg).


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HIV data NSW

The latest NSW data for HIV for the year 2012. This data was released in July 2013. Brief Summary Increases of newly diagnosed HIV have occurred amongst both men and women, and amongst those born in Australia and overseas. Of the 409 new diagnoses of HIV […]

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Update Treatment and Prevention July 2013

One of the anxieties in relation to ‘treatment as prevention’ is that it may discourage people with HIV from using condoms and other prevention methods. However, a meta-analysis has found no increase in risk taking in people who are taking antiretroviral treatment, compared to other […]

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