Garry Trotter is a clinical nurse consultant who came and spoke to Pozhet clients on Friday October 18.
Thanks to Garry Trotter from RPA Hospital for leading a brilliant, informative discussion. Topics covered included:
- Undetectable viral load
- Sstrains of HIV
- Drug resistance
- Preventing transmission
- Viral rebound (
- Commitment to treatments and tips for remembering to take them
- The biology of HIV
- How HIV drugs work, when to change them
- Interactions between natural therapies, recreational drugs and HIV medications
- Elite controllers ([space]controllers)
- Viral reservoirs and viral latency ([space]latency)
- New research towards a cure,
- HIV as a chronic manageable condition
- Post exposure prophylaxis
- HIV and oral sex
- HIV in the gay and straight communities,
- Travelling with HIV
- Treatment as Prevention
- Conception and positive men having babies.
If you want to know more about any of these topics… leave a question or comment and we’ll respond or get Garry to. Thanks!
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