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What is PEP? PEP (Post exposure prophylaxis) is a 4 week course of medication which prevents HIV. A prophylaxis is something which prevents the spread of an infection or disease. PEP needs to be taken 72 hours after the potential exposure to HIV. PEP stops HIV from replicating and establishing itself in your body. Who […]

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Who we are- original

We began in 1993 as a small, volunteer-run organisation. As a result of the commitment and dedication of key members and staff, Pozhet is now a state-wide Government funded agency. We have an important role in responding to the needs of our members. We do this by: Running community education sessions and peer support events […]

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HIV Support Program

Every person diagnosed with HIV has the right to and should be offered 5 Key Support Services: Effective clinical management, including access to treatment Psychosocial support Counselling about the prevention of transmission of HIV to others, including the role of treatment in reducing the risk of transmission Support to ensure that all at risk partners […]

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