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Sex and Relationships

Sex and Relationships

Introduction People living with HIV (PLHIV) can have relationships, have sex and have children without passing on HIV. A positive person might feel nervous when starting a relationship with someone who doesn’t have HIV. They might think things like: When should I tell them that I have HIV? How will they react? How do I […]

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Travel Tips

Every year, Australians get HIV through sex while travelling overseas In 2017, there were 119 cases of HIV in NSW where the person got the infection overseas. These cases include a broad range of people – men, women, straight, gay, Australian-born and overseas-born. Experienced travellers may be at greater risk Researchers say those contracting HIV […]

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PEP and PrEP

PEP PEP (Post-exposure prophylaxis) is a 4-week course of anti-HIV medication that is shown to be effective in preventing HIV infection if started within 72 hours of exposure. The key to PEP is accessing it as soon as possible after you think you may have been exposed to HIV. PEP is most effective within up […]

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HIV Futures 9

HIV Futures 9 is a survey about the quality of life of people living with HIV in Australia.

This is a survey about health, treatments, work, finances, sex and relationships of people living with HIV.  The survey will be open until 30th April 2019. This is the most influential and important study of people living with HIV in Australia. (more…)

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RISE Study

Recently diagnosed with HIV? The RISE Study would like to hear from you. RISE is exploring people’s experiences of being diagnosed with HIV and the changes in their lives following their diagnosis. We want to understand the impact of accessing HIV support services on people’s […]

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