Author Archives: Peter at pozhet

The Women’s Edition – Talkabout

The next edition of Talkabout invites women living with HIV (including trans and gender diverse women) or partners of women living with HIV to share your stories, observations, and thoughts about living with HIV.

Be part of this Talkabout Online edition, share your story and celebrate our resilience as women living with HIV.

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Tales Of The Unexpected

HIV and Travel Welcome to ‘Tales of the Unexpected’ which will be a regular feature of the Pozhet E-Newsletter. For most clients of Pozhet an HIV diagnosis is a shock, something they didn’t expect and aren’t prepared for. Many had no idea they were at […]

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PrEP and Heterosexuals

PrEP was listed on the PBS (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) from April 1 2018. It is classed as an S85 drug and can be prescribed GPs. According to the ASHM guidelines on PrEP, the risk criteria for heterosexual people include: Having a partner who is HIV+ […]

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ASHM Report 2018

No One Should Be Left Behind One of the key themes of the conference was that no one should be left behind in the race to the 90-90-90 target. There were discussions about the need for tailored responses focussing on groups such as Aboriginal and […]

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2018 in Review

Pozhet looks back on a busy year The year began with Pozhet putting our social media campaigns and website revamp into focus, increasing our readership and our reach. The monthly Pozhet Drop-In kicked off with people getting together to chat on the first Wednesday of […]

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