Yearly Archives: 2018

Client Interview

Why I am grateful My story is simple A woman in her early 50s, professional, educated and savvy… with pretty much all going for her or so she thought…until one blood test and one conversation changed all that… or at least she thought it did. […]

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Visibility Video

Despite dramatic advances in HIV treatment and care, heterosexual people living with HIV remain a less visible and understood community compared to HIV positive gay and bisexual men. A short 90 second video has been developed by Pozhet to raise awareness in the general community […]

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7 Reasons to Test

Following on from the success of ‘7 Reasons to Treat’ which highlighted the benefits of starting HIV treatment as early as possible, Pozhet, Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service and Positive Life NSW have collaborated on a new resource which encourages people to get tested. The […]

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National Day of Women Living with HIV

The theme of National Day of Women Living (NDWLWHIV) with HIV 2018 was “Know Your Status, Get Tested”. We are encouraging women in Australia to get tested, considering that one in ten people living with HIV in Australia is a woman, and that women in […]

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