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WAD Quiz

Getting our facts right on World AIDS Day

How much do you really know about HIV?

Test your knowledge by answering the quick seven questions below. Get your facts, and share your new knowledge with family, friends and colleagues. This starts the conversation and could help reduce the stigma and discrimination around HIV, as well as encourage others to get tested and know their status.




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#1. In Australia, approximately how many people are living with HIV today?

While there are 38 million people across the world living with HIV, there are 27, 500 Australians living with HIV.

People living with HIV can receive treatment, antiretroviral therapy (ART), to help people with HIV live healthier and longer lives. pozhet.org.au/…/treatment/

Source: Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO)

#2. In Australia today, what is the approximate prevalence of HIV in people who inject drugs?

Although people who inject drugs are at high risk of HIV, only 1.7% of HIV cases in Australia are amongst people who inject drugs.
The stigmatisation and negative stereotypes of people who inject drugs impacts how people receive and access health care, as well as their sense of belonging in society.

Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2019

#3. You should get a HIV test if:

HIV testing is important so people know their status, and can seek treatment and support if necessary. People who are at high risk of HIV or engage in risky behaviours (i.e. condomless sex, multiple sexual partners, or sharing injecting equipment) should get tested every 3 to 6 months.


Source: Family Planning NSW fpnsw.org.au/…/hiv-overview

#4. In Australia, what percentage of adults living with HIV are women? (As of 2020)

While there is a major focus on men who have sex with men living with HIV, women make up around 10% of all people living with HIV in Australia. Women also carry the highest burden of HIV prevalence due to longer periods from exposure risk to diagnosis, lack of education, and gender-related violence.


Source: Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO)

#5. True or False: Australia has reached the UNAIDS 2020 target of 73% of all people with HIV having an undetectable viral load?

2020 UNAIDS target of 73% of all people with HIV having an undetectable viral load

Source: Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO)

#6. What does being undetectable mean?

A person living with HIV is considered ‘undetectable’ when HIV treatment reduces the level of virus in the body to such a low level that it can no longer be detected in standard blood tests. Unfortunately, not everyone who takes the treatment is undetectable.

A person with HIV who takes HIV medicine as prescribed and stays undetectable for a period of time (6 months or more) has no risk of transmitting HIV through sex.

Being undetectable does not mean your HIV is cured. There is still HIV in your body. This means that if you stop taking the HIV treatment, your viral load will increase making HIV transmittable again.


Source: endinghiv.org.au/…/undetectable-faq/

#7. What is the likelihood of HIV positive pregnant woman on HIV treatment will pass on HIV to her baby?

Without treatment there is a 30% transmission from an HIV positive mother to a baby, however, with treatment, this can be reduced to less than 1%.

Source: avert.org/…/pregnancy-childbirth-breastfeeding
