Are you interested in discussing topics such as what PrEP ( Pre-exposure prophylaxis) and what this might mean for women. Come along to the Pozhet Women’s day on 25th October at Redfern Health Centre at 11am. (See more information in the event section on this page).
Lots of issues relevant to women will be discussed including PrEP which is a topic of particular interest to female partners. (The day is for positive women and female partners and family members)
PrEP is similar to the contraceptive pill, in that it is taken by an HIV negative person as a preventative measure. PrEP is currently not available in Australia but there are current clinical trials in Victoria and NSW. The trials and conversations about PrEP in Australia have focused on the population most at risk which is gay men. Women also need to be part of this conversation.
If you want to read more – an interview with Dr. Judith D. Auerbach of the University of California at San Francisco discusses PrEP and what it might mean for women in the US. Another recent post Women want PrEP too – on the Queensland Positive People (QPP) website talks about the need to engage women in the conversation about PrEP in Australia.