Pozhet Retreat

The 2019 Pozhet retreat was held last weekend (25-27 October) in Berry. For many participants, this weekend was the first time they had met other people living with HIV.  In total there were 27 people (including 4 facilitators). It was a great group with everybody participating andhaving a go at most activities. Thanks to everyone for making the weekend one to remember! Thanks to Danny, Leo and John for helping to facilitate the weekend with Susan from Pozhet.

If you want to say a few words about the weekend please comment below.

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6 comments on “Pozhet Retreat”

  1. Sash Reply

    I have been attending retreats for a while since e my diagnosis. I have learnt a lot about my health, how to take care of myself and how to believe in myself…above all i have made a family.
    This retreat was special to me as i attended with my partner (neg) . Disclosure is always difficult but with him it was smooth. The only thing that lacked was the knowledge on his side and this retreat gave him all the information and answered all the questions he had. Seeing other couples and healthy babies made him at ease knowing its actually possible and we can live our fairytale dream. What can I say, i am grateful for for the opportunity to attend the retreat.i made new friends. For those who doubt themselves about attending, it’s never easy but it is doable. You will meet lovely people, it is a non judgement zone. Give it a go. Don’t lose hope.
    A massive thank you to all the organisers.

    • Susan Reply

      Thanks Sash. It is a great opportunity for partners who are negative to learn more about what it is like living with HIV and to also find support from other negative partners as well. Susan (Pozhet)

  2. Colin Smid Reply

    Had a great time at Berry. It was good to meet new friends and old ones too. Meeting Danny and John was also great as it was scaring the life out of Danny (sorry Danny) and beating John at Innovation. I have learnt that I have new health limitations especially when it comes to challenging experiences that were once easy-to-do. As a consumer rep it was a great turnout and a fun time. I have new experiences ahead of me and I look forward to taking them head on. I also hope that the new friends I met at the retreat will also be encouraged. Many thanks to Matt, Leo, Susan, Danny and John for all your hard work. Looking forward do catching up with many of you that the annual workshop. Remember, to stay positive about being positive.

  3. Maggie Reply

    Pozhet Retreat at Berry is so advantageous to all newly diagnosed & long term diagnosed positive people. It educates, it assists In all avenues of HIV with support of co ordinators & a community which warms to what can be at times very daunting & scary. I have attending numerous Retreats & each one is different but saying that it is the most beneficial event Pozhet can & does provide. Have made life time friends & family.
    The coordinators. Susan, Leo, Dan,& John were great, supportive, knowledgeable, professional & approachable. Thank you all for such a great weekend Well done as always. Loved it!

    • Susan Reply

      Thanks Maggie. It is always good to have some people who have attended retreats before as they are a great support to those who are coming along for the first time!

  4. Leo Reply

    As always, it was a privilege to have been part of another retreat. It impresses me greatly to see how this space allows people to connect with each other in very meaningful ways. The beautiful setting coupled with the support and genuine care shown by all to all, is a reminder in the power of peer support. Nothing can ever replace the true value of allowing the lived experience, no matter where you may be in the journey, to speak for itself and to be shared with others. I honour those who showed tremendous courage to attend for the first time and to those who have attended before, the weekend would not be the same without your presence. Thank you to all the staff, Danny and John, true professionals, and to you Susan a big thank you for working hard to ensure that everything ran smoothly..well done.

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