People who don’t disclose do as well as people who do

A large survey of people who go to HIV clinics in the UK has found that people who don’t tell others about their HIV status have similar health outcomes to those who disclose.

It has been assumed that talking about your HIV is good for your health, but the study found no difference.

Read the full article here

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2 comments on “People who don’t disclose do as well as people who do”

  1. Pete Reply

    I am totally confused reading this article. Do I disclose to a casual partner?
    Do I disclose my status to my regular partner? My best friends?
    Who really needs to know that I am positive?

    • Max at pozhet Reply

      Hi Pete thanks for your comment. The article doesn’t give advice about how or when to disclose – that’s a tricky one, and only you can make that decision. There are laws in each state about disclosing before sex, but apart from that there are very few circumstances where you have to disclose. You can get some info about disclosure from our page ‘telling others’ in the Living with HIV section. The HIV legal centre has more info
      So I’d open this up for discussion…who do you think you should tell? Is HIV a public or private thing in your life?

      For advice about disclosure have a look at this article from Poz

      Here are some real life stories about disclosure

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