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Pozhet Retreat

We are just finishing up another great weekend at the Pozhet Retreat for heterosexual men and women with HIV and partners. 22 people (including the 2 facilitators) participated and included people from acrosss NSW. Have a read of some of the comments below. Contact Pozhet […]

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Adherence – taking your meds regularly

Adherence is a buzz word in HIV. Simply put, it means sticking to a routine of taking your meds every day at about the same time. It’s easy to forget a dose, or to become confused…did I take them or not? This article from NAPWHA […]

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Pozhet Women’s Day

The Women’s Day is on 22nd August at Redfern Health Centre. The Women’s Day flyer has more information and details.

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Pozhet Retreat

The Pozhet retreat will be on the 9th – 11th October and will be near Morisset on Lake Macquarie. Please read the Retreat flyer and complete the application form here. The weekend is for heterosexual men and women with HIV and partners. Applications close on the 2nd September.

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