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NSW HIV strategy 2016-2020

There are two of the objectives in the current NSW HIV strategy : Increase the proportion of people with diagnosed HIV on ART to 95% Ensure 90% of people newly diagnosed with HIV are on ART within 6 weeks of diagnosis in 2016 and to further […]

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Dried Blood Spot (DBS) HIV Test Toolkit

NSW Health has launched a social media toolkit on HIV home testing for use by community, health and other key organisations.
The toolkit provides materials and guidelines on how you can support and promote the new home HIV test in your social media campaigns.The HIV home testing kit, Dried Blood Spot (DBS) HIV Test is an exciting new development that makes testing easy, reliable and confidential by allowing individuals to order a free self-sampling kit online, take their own sample in the privacy of their home and send it to a laboratory for testing and results management. (more…)

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[+Connect] Out West

PositiveLife NSW invite you to the next [+Connect] Out West event. This will be a safe, welcoming luncheon for people living with HIV, their partners, family and friends out west at Liverpool at a restaurant. It will be on Sunday 25 June from 12noon – […]

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Pozhet Autumn Retreat 2017

Berry Sport and Recreation Centre Friday evening 27th February until Sunday 1st March Fun & challenging group activitiesPozhet holds two Retreats each year, one a few hours north and one a few hours south of Sydney – to try and cater for people who live in regional areas. This Retreat was held in a Sport and Recreation Centre South of Sydney at the end of April, and the weather was fine.

We had 18 people, a group of men and women, partners and one lovely child, who came from all over NSW. On Friday evening Leo and Maxine welcomed the group and after a nice dinner, we settled in with introductions and some fun games to get us all acquainted. There were a few people who were recently diagnosed, and quite a few who have lived with HIV for years. Everyone seemed to be doing well. It’s a good thing to have a mix of people and personalities as people learn from each other. (more…)

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Testing Options

HIV testing is free, easy, fast and confidential

It involves only a simple blood test. A consultation fee is charged at non-bulk billing GPs.To make you feel comfortable there are many places you can go to get a HIV test:

  •   GPs
  •   Family Planning Clinics
  •   Aboriginal Medical Services
  •   Sexual health clinics
  •   Community-based rapid HIV testing sites
  •   Have a Dried Blood Spot (DBS) HIV test sent to your home


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