Category Archives: News and Info

HIV Testing

Zainab talks about living with HIV Did you know in NSW? There are about 10,000 people living with HIV At least 10% of people living with HIV don’t know they have the virus and could pass it on to others without knowing it One in […]

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Transitioning to Adult HIV Care

Although numbers of children living with HIV in Australia are small there are anecdotal reports that adolescents transitioning to adult HIV care can face many hurdles and often have difficulties adhering to treatments. Once an HIV positive adolescent turns 18 they are no longer able to access many of the supports they had as children and may not easily fit into the support provided around HIV positive adults.

As there is little data about outcomes for children transitioning to adult HIV care, Dutch researchers designed a study which looked at 59 people who entered HIV care as children and then transitioned into adult care. The investigators collected data on factors associated with adverse outcomes after transition. (more…)

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No linked HIV transmissions in PARTNER study

Partner Study

ZERO: no linked HIV transmissions in PARTNER study after couples had sex 58,000 times without condoms The ongoing PARTNER study has recently published research which adds important data to our knowledge about preventing HIV transmission. This study included 1166 serodifferent couples (548 were heterosexual) where the positive partner was on effective antiretroviral treatment (ART) (more…)

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