Blog 4 Column

Zero transmissions in first two years of study

World Aids Day 2014 Getting to ZeroAt the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in March 2014,  a team of European researchers presented some exciting interim results from the Partner Study.

The interim findings show that after 2 years there are no cases of HIV transmission between couples where the positive partner has a viral load under 200 copies/ml. This was the case regardless of the type of sex (eg anal or vaginal sex). (more…)

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Credit card size test

A credit card-sized chip can diagnose HIV infection and provide T cell counts to guide treatment, according to a recent paper in Science Translational Medicine. The fluid-processing chip provides accurate test results in less than 20 minutes using a single drop of blood that goes directly into the testing chamber and does not require trained handling. (more…)

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