Two new exciting programs for men at Karumah
LIVING IN THE HERE AND NOW Tuesday May 13 10.00am – 12.30pm at Karumah (Lunch included.) GROWING OLD [DIS]GRACEFULLY Tuesday May 20 10.00am – 12.30pm This flyer provides more information and to register
LIVING IN THE HERE AND NOW Tuesday May 13 10.00am – 12.30pm at Karumah (Lunch included.) GROWING OLD [DIS]GRACEFULLY Tuesday May 20 10.00am – 12.30pm This flyer provides more information and to register
Here is the Tree of Hope newsletter. If you want to know more about the Tree of Hope here is a poster about their service and some information about upcoming events. The poster also contains contact details. The Tree of Hope has two social gatherings per […]
Tips for disclosure…from the horse’s mouth Last November Pozhet held an event where people with HIV and their partners got together for a talk by HALC (HIV Legal Centre). The day included a great discussion about disclosing to new partners, friends and family. Here are […]
On Saturday March 8 Pozhet held a day for women living with HIV and women partners of positive men. It was a fun day, with tips on health and exercise and included a delicious healthy lunch! Dimi Harpas, an experienced Dietitian, gave a presentation about healthy eating…