Author Archives: Peter at pozhet

HIV Futures 6

RedBalloonA report from the HIV Futures Six survey detailing the experiences of women living with HIV/AIDS specifically is now available.

The key findings of this brief report include:

  • Women living with HIV/AIDS report a high degree of satisfaction with their health, with almost three quarters of women living with HIV/AIDS (71.1%) rating their health as good or excellent. However, a lower proportion of women (56.8%) rate their general well-being as good or excellent.
  • Mental health issues remain an area of concern for women living with HIV/AIDS, with 41.9% of women having been diagnosed with a mental health condition (predominantly depression) and a high proportion of women taking medication for depression and anxiety.
  • Women living with HIV/AIDS continue to experience a high degree of difficulty meeting the costs of daily living with 49.6% of women living below the poverty line. Consistent with this finding, women were more likely than men living with HIV/AIDS to use the financial assistance services provided by HIV/AIDS organisations.


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The Seroconversion study

Any men or women living in Australia who are over 18 years of age and who have recently been diagnosed with HIV are eligible to participate in this study. “Recently” means a diagnosis anytime in the last 5 years, but preferably within the last two […]

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