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Myuna Retreat 27-29 September

Applications for the popular Pozhet Myuna Bay Retreat close on the 15th August. Myuna Bay is just south of Newcastle (near Morrisset) Please read the flyer and complete the application form and send completed forms through to us. If you have any questions please ring1800 812 404 or email us […]

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Women with HIV feel scrutinised when pregnant

A report on Aidsmap states that women living with HIV feel subjected to questioning and monitoring of their choices during pregnancy, childbirth and when they first become mothers, according to Canadian research presented to a conference in Paris this month (July 2013).

Women feel that they are not only under the gaze of medical professionals and child protection officials, but also friends and family, who sometimes take a particular interest in how a woman may be feeding her infant.

Have you had similar or different experiences? Leave a comment below..  (more…)

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The ENUF campaign is an Australian campaign about stigma and discrimination. It aims to seek the experiences of both stigma and resilience in all of its many and various forms from people living with HIV. Sign a pledge or share your story.

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The serodiscordant couples study

You Me and HIV the serodiscordant couples study

Pozhet is excited to be involved in a new study by the National Centre in HIV Social Research.

Here’s your chance to tell your story! Be part of the first major study focused on the experiences of both gay and heterosexual couples with mixed HIV status (serodiscordance, pos/neg).


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