Service Updates

Pozhet works closely with other services for people with HIV. Have a read about two of these services and find out what The Bobby Goldsmith Foundation (BGF) and Positive Life NSW are planning.

Bobby Goldsmith Foundation (BGF) Update

BGF has continued to deliver services and support to its clients since the COVID-19 pandemic started in early 2020. This includes supporting nearly 50 vulnerable people with HIV (PWHIV) on a daily basis in their homes throughout greater Sydney and in the Northern Rivers region.

Case management and case work with complex clients has continued unaffected whilst frontline staff continue to work from home. This includes providing financial assistance for HIV medications, as well as providing practical and emotional support.

BGF’s financial counselling service is available to all PWHIV throughout NSW and SA. Professionally accredited counsellors can assist with many varied financial concerns that clients can feel burdened with, including debt reduction, budgeting and advocacy.

Our Health and Wellbeing programs have continued online during COVID, with many clients enjoying the opportunity to meet for social engagement, growth, and development. Details of our extensive suite of programs on offer are on the BGF website where an online enrolment form can be found.

As always, BGF welcomes expressions of interest from PWHIV and others to volunteer their services for the many community events that assist in raising funds to enable our activities to continue as we aim to ensure that all PWHIV can thrive.

Positive Life NSW

Positive Life NSW is staffed by people living with HIV offering a range of social events, information sessions, consultations, workshops and support groups for all men and women living with HIV.

Positive Life’s Monthly Social Club invites men and women who identify as heterosexual to meet up in a safe, friendly and accepting social environment over a meal. Currently we hold the event in an exclusive private location just 3 minutes from Sydney’s Central Station.

Positive Life offers two separate support groups for women living with HIV. For Women is an online discussion forum that welcomes all women living with HIV anywhere in NSW over 45 years of age, while The Women’s Room is an online discussion forum for all young women living with HIV under 45 years of age anywhere in NSW. These groups run on alternate months as safe and friendly spaces to connect with other women living with HIV across NSW to build your networks, share experiences and engage with a range of issues relating to our health and living with HIV.

Our Positive Conversations group welcomes all people living with HIV in NSW to connect up with others in a safe, friendly and moderated online group via Zoom. Positive Conversations is facilitated by people living with HIV as a way to build our connections, draw on the experiences of others and increase our resilience living with HIV across NSW. Peers from rural and regional settings are especially welcome!

Our [+Connect] social events welcome all people living with HIV, our partners, family and friends to get together and celebrate life face to face in a safe, accessible and friendly environment in Sydney. The next [+Connect] is on Thursday 17 March from 7pm. Pending COVID restrictions, Positive Life will be running a heterosexual workshop in June 2022. To get invitations to Positive Life Social events, subscribe by email

All people living with HIV are able to become full members of Positive Life NSW for free and receive our printed magazine Talkabout posted to you every second month. Talkabout is packed full of personal stories, news, information and events. To become a member visit the Positive Life Website and click on the ‘online Positive Life NSW membership form’ link.

To find out more about Positive Life’s Social Events visit or check our regularly updated online Events Calendar

Positive Life NSW has peer navigators, both men and women living with HIV, to answer your questions and ensure you have up-to-date information to navigate your HIV journey. We also receive referrals from people living with HIV, friends, family or via all allied health.

If you have any questions about any of Positive Life NSW’s social events or have questions about living with HIV in NSW, get in touch with a friendly peer living with HIV from Positive Life on (02) 9206 2177, 1800 245 677 (freecall outside metro) or email

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